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10 Breaths of Gratitude-

Updated: May 23, 2020

I refuse to NOT be grateful, say that again....

What if we could quickly turn off our fight or flight response...

Simply by learning to switch back to the most natural, basic way of taking in what sustains us....our breath. What if I told you that the benefits of becoming a devotee to good breathing could prove immeasurably relaxing, transforming our emotions from a highly anxious state to a tranquil, relaxed.... ohmmmmm state of mind.

The proof may lie in watching a baby sleep, we will see the beauty of nature as intended. He or she is breathing in and out in a manner that is known as abdominal breathing; where the belly extends out on an inhale and gently folds back in on the exhale. Try it- place your hand on your abdomen, now take a deep breath in while making your abdomen rise out, then let your belly gently fold back down. Does it seem counter intuitive, awkward? Let us help you become a master of this technique that is as intuitive, well, as breathing (correctly).

Harvard's Medical School tells us that, "Relearning how to breathe from the diaphragm is beneficial for everyone. Diaphragmatic breathing (also called "abdominal breathing" or "belly breathing") encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide.” They brag that this type of breathing slows the heartbeat and can lower or stabilize blood pressure and we can correct stress and fatigue with relearning this correct breath intake. Check out their tutorial here on diaphragmatic breathing to get you on the retrain.

Breathing in Gratitude ....Just breath

While focusing on a different point of gratitude with 10 abdominal breaths, for a quick holiday away from that fictitious "boogey man" who seemingly is chasing you. It works! And here’s how it goes, dream up any gratitude point, it could be as slight as your triple vanilla latte this morning, to your Great Aunt Mildred leaving you her beloved Tupperware collection, to marrying the love of your life. Just focus on one point of gratitude with every breath, 10 in a row. This switch tells your brain to get back to your real story, your beautiful life story waiting for you to just pick up where you left off from that detour into Stressville.

Gratitude improves psychological health

Social Scientists believe gratitude puts us in a better space to gain a more accurate life prospective and ultimately works to re-train our brains in finding the positive in the midst of our daily storm. Psychology Today tells us that, "gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration, and results suggest that it will directly increase happiness and reduce depression." So cool, right! So, we want to help you get practice using this romantic duo of abdominal breathing and gratitude to reset your sails and get you back to dipping your toes into that quiet realm of peace and tranquility. For more practice check out one of our favorite mediation apps, gratis, and practice deep breath in, long breath out.....Namaste!


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