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Yoga to clear your mind

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

“In truth, Yoga doesn’t take time – it gives time.”Ganga White

What is the relationship between Shavasana and Meditation...

"Moving Meditation" has wonderful mind-body benefits that will work to activate your nervous system, to reduce your heart rate, decrease the stress hormones that create havoc in our lives, and overall create a sense of calm. According to Headspace, moving meditation is “calming the mind and creating awareness through simple body movements. Shavasana is sometimes described as the bridge between the two, quiets the mind and body, helping to bring you into a peaceful, meditative state."

Let's begin...

Roll out your mat and shut the curtains, light a candle, sip your chamomile tea, say aloud, "relax." Do whatever it is that will allow you to begin to relax and get your mind to drift towards the focus of why you rolled out that beautiful mat to begin with. What gain will be yours? Think about it: a clear noggin, head space, a better memory, more physical strength and flexibility... let that be your motivation. Now lie down on your mat, arms and legs extended, close your eyes, and transport your thoughts to Happy Town. Think of a vacation, a quiet spot or any joy-filled day where your senses were just caught up in living in the moment.

Now, slowly shift your thoughts to your five senses. Visualize what were you seeing on your joy-filled day, tasting, smelling, hearing, feeling— put your senses to work to transport you back to this space in time. Feel that, taste that, smell that, hear that while breathing abdominally, let your abdomen come up with every in breath (see 10  Breaths of Gratitude for more on this technique). Just breath—your thoughts may drift back to the need to shampoo your carpets or that item you forgot to add to your grocery list. We get it— the carpets and grocery list will be there and so will the bills, but allow yourself to just drift your thoughts back to your happy place. Let this work to transcend you…. Stay here for a few minutes while relaxing your muscles from head to toe. When you are ready, press play on this video link below. Stay as focused on this relaxation as possible, while doing these deep stretches with Adrienne. Be gentle with yourself, It's called a yoga practice for a reason. No judgement, just practice and peace.

You got this

By staying focused on your happy place, using your imagination with your 5 astute senses. It will keep you in a meditative state while moving through the poses. Yoga can be transcending; it reduces fatigue, creates a sense of calm, decreases inflammation, insomnia, and anxiety. Yoga has been proven to be a big energy, mood, and compassion booster. It helps to improve relationships and proves invaluable to living your best and really enjoying life. Peace out!


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